Permanent Lifts
Service Elevators
SEL Series



The SEL Series permanent rack and pinion industrial lifts are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. They are designed to reach the highest heights and ensure safe and efficient vertical transport of persons, tools and equipment. On request, Fraco can customize car sizes, speed, payload and finish to meet location restrictions. Inclined mast sections are available for special projects.

All models are manufactured with non-proprietary electrical and mechanical components that are available from local suppliers. The SEL Series is characterized by the integration of variable frequency converters or PLC based control system. Each model uses flexible wall ties and adjustable turnbuckles.

If required, elevators can conform to explosion proof requirements (Class 1 and Class 2). Other options such as emergency descent, automatic greasing device and ˜iremen recall system are also available.

Since they are manufactured in North America, SEL Series elevators are supported by the best response time for service parts. All models are fully compliant with ANSI A17.1 and CSA B44 standards.

Technical data

Model :
SEL Series

OLRT Confederation Line

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Cimenterie QNCC

Umm Bab, Qatar

Centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl

Tchernobyl, Ukraine

Hangar de maintenance Air France

Roissy, France

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